Myri's Sweet Diary

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Rainbow Ice Cream ~ DIY

Hello today i would like to share a recipe about how to make your own rainbow ice cream in the house without going anywhere just to buy it.

And you may need to prepare all these things first hehehe

a) 1/2 Condensed Milk
b) 3 Cups of Fresh Milk
c) 2 Teaspoon of Ovellate
d) 2 Teaspoon of Vanilla Essence
e) Food Coloring ( blue, pink, green, & yellow)

Done Preparing all the Stuff ? ~~
Alright, let's get started~~

1. Blend all together the ingredients from a, b, c, & d for 20 minutes
2. Seperate it into 4 small bowls, and make sure each of the bowls has different color,
    i meant don't forget to put the food coloring or it may became a vanilla ice cream instead of rainbow ice cream hahahah
3. After that, find a tupperware, mug, or whatever you had just to put the ice cream in the frezeer
4. Now pour it layer by layer inside the tupperware ( it's up to you, how you're gonna make it nice )
5. Then froze it & Ready to eat ...

Easy right? it's just a simple recipe anyway.. btw ENJOY~~

Special Credits to: Rainbow IceCream

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Something from me to you

Dont let the past ruining our future, what happen for today will only for today, so to make sure our future bright like the sunshine, better start to make all the stuff beautiful by today ! do not get influenced by the other people easily. Trust ourself and be independent! Don't mind the backstabber, they'll stay at your back forever anyway.. so, in order to make your dreams come true, never give up.. That's the idea.. Work hard, strive more, make a little sacrifice and you'll earn your profit from your hardwork! by the way, Best wishes from me to you in everything you've done! May you'll be Successful Man & Women.. xoxo